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I’m coming to your house! Why it is important to keep your preps secret

When I first started getting into prepping, one of the first things I purchased was several large IBC totes that I used for emergency water storage. In my suburban home I was unable to find a place to store this water except for outside in my backyard. While everyone in my neighborhood had a six foot privacy fence, everyone somehow seemed to know what everyone had, and my two black 250 gallon totes complete with metal cages for stacking and anti-freezing fittings was the topic of several discussions as curious neighbors casually brought it up while I was doing yard work our front.

Like many with a new found hobby, I was excited to talk about my water and thought it a good opportunity to discuss with them the importance and benefits of being prepared and boast a little as what a good deal I got when purchasing them.

nosy2I had also purchased a good chunk of food storage and and camping gear that I had in the house and was not shy discussing my investments. My neighbors are good people, and I honestly couldn’t have been more fortunate. And they seemed genuinely interested and even shared stories about canning and hunting but I quickly realized that every neighbor I talked to didn’t have any kind of food storage, or preparedness items for themselves save a few candles and extra flashlights. One of them had a generator but not the foggiest idea how to connect it to his house.

As the conversation began to wind down almost all of them responded with: “Well I’ll be coming to your house if anything ever happens!” followed up with a chuckle and a good-natured smile. I know that they were just looking for a polite segue into topic of conversation, and I of course laughed with them and jested that they should watch out for the landmines I had in my yard and that was why it was always in less than perfect condition. Their comment to me has stung. Every neighbor that I spoke with the sting got worse until I started telling people that I was experimenting with a new compost method and avoided speaking at all about emergency preparedness.

2016-09-27_2218I knew at that point that I had made a mistake talking about the details of my preps with people who weren’t in the same frame of mind as myself. Even then I knew that I would want to seep the specific details of my preps to myself even if I was talking to a fellow prepper and I would be sure not to ask.

Prepping in a way is very personal. In the off chance that something were to happen, I knew in the back of my mind that several people near me knew that I had a lot of resources and if someone got hungry enough, I could count on them making good on their comment of coming to my house. That would be a confrontation I would prefer to not have.

The truth is that I would probably not be strong enough to turn anyone away. I have always been a helper. I see someone in need and I can’t help but want to do what I can for them. If something were to happen it probably wouldn’t be long before I had the whole neighborhood at my house and what should have fed our family for a good long time would only have benefited everyone for a couple of days. But even if I had the wherewithal to be able to turn people away, information that I had food and water would be out there and it would only be a matter of time before my home would be overrun. What started out as a friendly conversation in my yard would inevitably turn into a violent confrontation.

You don’t have to be a military strategist to realize that the best defense is to severely limit that kind of information to as small a number of people as possible. Civility is only an illusion that we all buy into because none of us are hungry or desperate enough to pull off that veil… yet.

My small prepper group is like a second family to me and even they don’t know the specifics of what I have or where I keep it. We prep together but we all have different plans should the balloon go up so we are not a retreat group. We often take advantage of pooling our money to get better discounts for certain purchases but we don’t share the specifics of our private purchases. Not that we don’t trust each other, but rather it frees us from the responsibility of having to keep that information secret.

Be mindful about who you share your information with. Since I adopted this personal policy I haven’t heard those dreaded words again.


Pipeline break leads to gas shortage – Prepping for fuel

Be a rebel and don’t live in fear, instead live well.

A good friend of mine wrote me the other day and they were particularly worried. With all the news about the elections, the issues abroad with Russia, China, Korea and the Middle East coupled with the the news from our own government about judges, policies, special interests and how members of our own congress were engaging in activity that seemed treasonous, they were feeling a little panicked. freaking_outThey had only recently gotten into prepping and were feeling very afraid that they would not have enough preps in time for what ever catastrophe this country was hurling towards.

I could of course sympathize because as someone who only started prepping a few years ago, I too have been feeling like I don’t have enough to be ready. My friend already lives in a very rural area and I only recently moved my family from Denver far out into the country. I had already shared my priority list of preps that included food storage, water storage, shelter, fuel, personal protection, tools and seed banks. They had already begun working on their list and were making good progress. This was my response to them:

“Just remember not to get caught up in fear. (2T 1:7) It is real easy with all the news and information getting blasted at us 24/7. A population in fear is easier to control. Be a rebel and don’t live in fear. Live well.

Just keep working your plan. If you need help or want to talk shop, just let me know. I love talking about planning, tools, tips, strategy… I have already conceded that politically we are in a downhill slide that we cannot recover from so I try to not dwell too much in things I cannot affect, but just enough to stay aware. I truly believe this country has already entered its final tail spin but I don’t think it will end in a huge fireball. I think we will have to endure some true hardships that haven’t been seen since the Great Depression, but the people back then didn’t have any warning. I feel like we have had so much warning you would have to be blind to not see it. It is why my wife and I are out here. I want to learn how to garden, how to can, how to care for animals, woodworking, etc. These are what were considered just a few years ago to be common ordinary life skills that today most of western civilization has forgotten. Out here in the country, no one considers this prepping, they just consider it living.
Short of a physical invasion of our country (which I don’t think will happen) nothing is going to be so traumatic that it would cause us to all become refugees and fighting for our survival. We live in the country, and life as we know it will continue on without a lot of major changes. Even if we go to war, or we have a financial collapse or whatever… out here we won’t feel the brunt of whatever happens like people in the big cities will.
This is why I am such an advocate of food and water storage. It is something that everybody can start working on right now… today. If you have food and water, and a warm place to sleep and you live out in the country… you will be set. Have a means to protect yourself? Even better. Have a way to grow more food just in case your food storage runs out? Better still… but start with your food and water, then take it from there. You are actively doing something right now to prepare your family, just keep going.”
Of course you could argue that there would be many scenarios that would affect us out here in the country rather dramatically, but I do feel that for the most part, there would be a lag before rural folks were affected.
My friend was concerned for the well being of their family as well as their country. Food and water storage is a great way to protect yourself from not only large issues but also from smaller more frequent problems that can affect us all. Things like the loss of a job or your income, sickness or a death in the family, a flood or other natural disaster. I cannot advocate enough that having at least six months to a year’s worth of food and water will not only protect you, but help you sleep just that much better at night.

We just dropped everything and moved out of Denver – We are starting our journey to an off grid self sustaining lifestyle.

I like to think of it as bugging out early… We left Denver because we reached a point where if we didn’t move out now we may never move out.

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101 Homesteading Skills

1. Learn how to safely use a chainsaw
2. Learn how to grow a vegetable plant
3. Learn how to sharpen an axe
4. Learn basic firearm safety
5. Learn how to dub a chicken
6. Learn how to read the weather
7. Learn how to spin wool with a drop spindle
8. Learn how to use garden tools
9. Learn how to light a fire
10. Learn how to go to a country auction and not get skinned
11. Learn how to crochet
12. Learn how to butcher a rabbit
13. Learn how to hang clothes on a clothesline
14. Learn basic tractor maintenance
15. Learn the differences between trees and the unique properties of various types of wood
16. Learn how to cook 10 basic meals from scratch
17. Learn how to pasteurize milk
18. Learn how to witch for water with a forked branch or a bent metal hanger
19. Learn how to distinguish healthy plants and animals from unhealthy plants or animals
20. Learn basic sewing skills
21. Learn how to set an ear tag or tattoo for animal identification
22. Learn how determine an animal’s age by its teeth
23. Learn how to cut and glaze glass
24. Learn how to drive a standard transmission vehicle
25. Learn how to thaw out frozen pipes without busting them
26. Learn how and when to use hybrid seeds
27. Learn how to hand thresh and winnow wheat or oats and other small grains
28. Learn how to train a working cattle or sheep dog
29. Learn how to read the moon and stars
30. Learn how to make soft or hard cheeses
31. Learn how to live within your financial means
32. Learn how to fillet and clean a fish
33. Learn how to use a wash tub, hand-wringer and washboard
34. Learn how to make soap from wood ashes and animal fat
35. Learn how to lay basic brick or build a stone wall
36. Learn basic home canning and food preservation
37. Learn how to save open pollinated seeds
38. Learn how to de-horn livestock
39. Learn how to use an awl and basic leather repair
40. Learn how to make long-term plans for the future – plan an orchard or a livestock breeding program
41. Learn the mental skills necessary to jury rig anything with duct tape, baling twine and whatever is on hand
42. Learn how to read an almanac
43. Learn how to euthanize large livestock
44. Learn how to cook on a cook stove
45. Learn how to entertain yourself and live without electronic media
46. Learn how to shear a sheep
47. Learn how to manage human urine and feces without plumbing
48. Learn how to swap, barter and network with like-minded people
49. Learn how to make a candle
50. Learn how to dig and properly use a shallow well
51. Learn how to refinish furniture
52. Learn how to drive a draft animal
53. Learn the mental and spiritual skills to realistically deal with life, death and failure
54. Learn how to use non-electric lighting
55. Learn how to caponize a chicken
56. Learn how to restrain large livestock
57. Learn how to use a treadle sewing machine
58. Learn how to give an injection
59. Learn how to properly use a handsaw, hammer & nails, screw driver, wire cutters, and measuring tape
60. Learn how to recognize your own physical and mental skill limits
61. Learn how and when to prune grapes and fruit trees
62. Learn how to hatch out chicken, duck or other poultry eggs
63. Learn how to use a scythe
64. Learn how to skin a furbearer and stretch the skin
65. Learn how to tell the time of day by the sun
66. Learn how to milk a goat, sheep or cow
67. Learn how to stomach tube a newborn animal
68. Learn how to break ground and plow
69. Learn how to use a wood stove and how to bank a fire
70. Learn how to make butter
71. Learn how to knit
72. Learn how to make and use a hot bed or cold frame
73. Learn how to deliver a foal, calf, lamb or kid
74. Learn how to know when winter is over
75. Learn how to plant a tree
76. Learn how to brood day-old chicks
77. Learn how to dye yarn or cloth from plants
78. Learn how to haggle like a horse trader
79. Learn how to bake bread
80. Learn how to use a pressure tank garden sprayer
81. Learn how to halter break a horse or cow
82. Learn how to graft baby animals onto a foster-mother
83. Learn how to weave cloth
84. Learn how to grow everyday kitchen herbs
85. Learn how to make sausage
86. Learn how to set and bait traps for unwanted vermin and predators
87. Learn how to grind wheat into flour
88. Learn how to make paper and ink
89. Learn when it is more economical to buy something ready-made or when to make it yourself
90. Learn how to castrate livestock
91. Learn how choose a location for a vegetable garden or orchard
92. Learn how to weave a basket
93. Learn how to use electric netting or fencing
94. Learn how to make fire starters from corn cobs or pinecones
95. Learn how to use a pressure cooker
96. Learn how to correctly attach 3 point hitch implements to a tractor
97. Learn how to trim the hooves of goats or sheep
98. Learn how to sew your own underwear
99. Learn how to make your own wine.
100. Learn basic plumbing and how to sweat copper pipes and joints
101. Learn how to reload ammunition

5 reasons keeping your gas tank half full matters

You have probably heard that keeping your gas tank at least half full is a “good idea.” But who likes going to the gas station more often? It is one of those preparedness items we know about but few of us actually practice.

I hope to help you change that by explaining in more detail why it is more than just a “good idea.”

1. It saves you money

Water condensation can form in the empty part of your tank and freeze which can cause blockage problems. By maintaining a half full tank the amount of space is reduced for condensation to form. Also your fuel pump needs gasoline to act as a coolant. When your gas levels get too low, it can cause premature wear and tear or even cause the pump to overheat and fail completely and when the tank is full, there is more pressure so the pump doesn’t have to work as hard.

These kinds of repairs can be costly and completely avoidable by simply keeping your fuel levels at least half full at all times.

2. Less damage to your engine

Depending on how much you drive, introducing fresh gas to your tank can help reduce the crud and buildup in your engine if the gas you had in your tank from before was from a lower quality gas station, or if the gas has been sitting around a while. By filling up regularly at a station that receives a good amount of traffic you are less likely to run into an issue of old gas from the pump. If you are in a situation where questionable gas is your only option, then having a half a tank will allow you the flexibility to continue driving to a better station. But if you are on empty, and you are sure the gas isn’t great, then as a rule of thumb just fill up enough to get you to a better station. As soon as you can, fill up with the higher quality gas.

gas3. Get out of Dodge

All it takes is a bad storm. I’m not even talking about a SHTF scenario although the same will hold true. A few years back the weather report said we were going to be getting a serious snow storm and people who lived in older structures were warned that they should be ready to evacuate for concern that the roofs of these buildings would collapse. This warning was not unheard of, maybe once a year but as predicted, people were freaking out. It was a nice day that day and as I went home from work that evening and the clouds were getting dark, every gas station was packed with cars and lined up out onto the street. I could read the handmade signs as I passed them telling drivers that they would be limited in the number of gallons they could buy.

If I had needed to evacuate my family, I would have saved precious time and could have put more distance between us and the storm where the gas stations would not be hit as hard from a panicky population.

The storm hit, and it turned out to be just as bad as they predicted. Practically every gas station was out of gas and with the storm; it was another week before the trucks could get in to resupply the stations. If there had been an emergency I would have had half a tank to get to the hospital or evacuate.

2016-05-18_12544. Traffic jams and getting stranded

You may find yourself stuck on the road due to an accident, or the road s blocked due to natural disaster or you are in the unfortunate situation of getting caught up with every one else evacuating. Recognizing your situation for what it is can play a vital role in your ability to survive. If it seems as though that staying with your vehicle is the better move then turn your engine off and keep it off as much as possible, only turning it on to move forward or if the weather is very cold to keep yourself from freezing to death. Having at least half a tank of gas could literally keep you alive or allow you to escape a dangerous situation

5. Mindset

It may not seem like much but keeping an eye  on your gas gauge and making a point to keep your tank more than half full at all times helps train your brain to maintain a preparedness mindset. It can serve as a frequent reminder, not just for your gasoline but to keep the concept of preparedness at the top of your mind. It can help influence the other choices you make in your everyday life to be more prepper oriented.

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6 Ways to store water secretly

susan at the windowThe need to keep your preps out of sight of nosy neighbors and other individuals is not only a good idea but it could mean the difference between life and death in the event that some sort of catastrophe should happen.

When people start to get hungry and thirsty they will remember that one family always bragging about how much food storage they have in their basement. They will remember who has a backyard garden and which house always has a rain barrel set up.

Many people keep a 250 gallon tote or the 55 gallon plastic barrels for their water storage. If it is a rain catchment system or just a sealed container, if it is visible from the outside it could attract unwanted attention, especially if it is illegal to store rainwater. Even if you fill these containers with household water, you may get a visit from the police.

The real trouble with storing water is that it takes up a lot of space and not everyone has the space to store large containers. Of course if you have the space, use it, but the purpose of this article is to get you thinking of ways to store water without it being obvious to anyone.

Solution 1: Outside in plain sight.

Planter_boxRepurpose a backyard bench or outdoor planter and utilize the space inside to keep sealed containers of water. These can be purchased or built to suit your needs. Not only stylish improving the look of your yard, but capable of storing hundreds of gallons of water protected from the elements and the sun.

Solution 2: Water Bladders

Water_bladder_storage_under_deckThese bladders are large and come in several shapes and sizes. The most attractive feature of the bladders is that they can be easily set up in a crawlspace, under a deck, or in the attic. Because of their low height, they can make great use otherwise useless space.


Solution 3: Underground

paversCisterns, buried water tanks or Hydroblox can be installed underground in your front or back yard and out of sight. Another benefit of an underground system is the implementation of permeable pavement. Create an inlet to your underground water storage directly underneath a rain spout but topped with permeable concrete pavers. No pipes or tanks can be seen. Water just hits he ground and disappears into your secret storage tanks.

Solution 4: Inside the stairs

stairsEven if you don’t have access to the space under your stairs, it may be possible to remove a riser and reveal lots of square footage otherwise unused. If you do have an under-stair cubby or closet already built, then install a water storage device inside and drywall over the opening. If you have the resources you could even go so far as to permanently plumb in the storage device so that you would not need to enter the secret space disrupting your camouflage.


Solution 5: The fireplace

fireplaceDid your home have a fireplace in the past but not anymore? There is a good chance they just bricked up the opening to the old fireplace and dry walled over top. You might have a huge empty cavity in your wall that you could store a large amount of water in. You could even use a fireplace that you just aren’t using. Just to be sure that you clean out any ash and protect your water container. If water mixes with ash it can become caustic and corrode your container over a long period of time.


Solution 6: The furniture

underbedWorth mentioning even if it is obvious. Utilizing water canisters, bladders or even cleaned out 2 liter bottles, you can usually find space under a bed, in the back of cabinets, the space between your cabinets and floor, inside coffee tables or even just the bottom of a closet. While it is convenient to have it all in one place, if space is tight then consider breaking up your reserves utilizing several different solutions to get you to the number of gallons you need to be prepared.

Of course there are a lot of solutions to this problem but I hope to have been able to at least get you thinking about what you could do for your your situation.

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This man’s house is fire proof, tornado proof, earthquake proof, cheaper to build and deemed illegal in almost every city in the U.S.


Our homes are our shelter against the elements, where we live and raise our families. They are where we go when we need rest and to get away from the outside world. With today’s construction methods they have a significant weakness. They don’t hold up very well to natural disasters and are expensive to build.

An old method of construction that is gaining popularity in the rural parts of the country is called Superadobe, or Earthbag or Rammed Earth construction. For centuries man has been building their dwellings from dirt and mud and with the advent of new construction materials and design we have gotten away from that. Understandably so since having a wall made of dirt isn’t as attractive as having a wall made of wood, or sheetrock.

But man’s use of earth in the construction of his home didn’t stop evolving and is worth another look.

Utilizing inexpensive polypropylene plastic bags or tubes which are the same kind of woven plastic that is used to make sand bags or animal feed bags, using a mix of earth, clay and sand, you can build beautiful, amazingly strong structures that can stand up to some of the worst weather we have ever seen.

nepal.pngIn Nepal after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, the country was devastated and people’s
homes received significant damage, except for a neighborhood made entirely from earthbag construction.

Since dirt and clay doesn’t burn but is considered and insulator, should you find yourself in the path of a forest fire you can sleep easier that if you are ever evacuated, you will have something to return home to.

The dome design isn’t required for this kind of building technique but is highly desirable since it creates a lot of space, is less expensive in materials and also makes the structure more durable in a tornado or hurricane since the super strong material allows for turbulence to pass around the building without offering much resistance that would normally destroy other traditional built homes.

Youtube offers thousands of videos of people both young and old, in large groups or just couples building this style of home proving just how simple it is. While the techniques are simple to understand and the costs are amazingly low, the trade off is that the process is labor intensive. But as long as you have your routine and consistently do a little every day you could build your own home for less than $5,000 and complete it within several months. If you are able to get help from friends, family or even if you have to hire the help, you could have your structure up within weeks.dome

If you are thinking of building a new home and would like to consider this type of construction, be sure to check with local and county building codes. Most cities and counties that have large populations have adopted building codes that don’t consider this type of construction and because it is “new” and different and doesn’t fall within their definition of construction deem this kind of building illegal. Even though it is stronger, less expensive and more environmentally friendly, there is typically little room within these building codes to allow for this type of construction. But if your area doesn’t have building codes or does have provisions for this type of construction, an earthbag style home could be just the type of home for you.

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Easily Make Washing Soda From Baking Soda for Making Laundry Detergent

QuestionIf you make your own laundry detergent like our family does, you may find that washing soda is becoming more difficult to find at your local grocery store.

If you find yourself in a place where you can’t find washing soda don’t worry, you can actually make it from baking soda quite easily and it takes about an hour.

Luckily we must still use baking soda enough that even if you can’t find washing soda, you should be able to find baking soda, and a lot of your club stores even sell it in bulk.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate,) can be easily turned into washing soda (sodium carbonate,) by baking it. Yup, that’s it.

When you heat baking soda, water vapor and carbon dioxide are released leaving nothing but pure washing soda.

IMG_11212Heat your oven to 400° F (200° C) and put a thin layer of baking soda in the bottom of a cookie sheet, or pie tin, or other oven save container. Bake for about an hour being sure to stir the powder every 15 minutes or so.

While you are baking you will notice little geysers bubbling up through the powder where the water vapor and CO2 are escaping. If after an hour you are still seeing these geysers form, continue baking and stirring every 15 minutes until you don’t seem them form any more.

Let the newly created washing soda cool, and you will see that it has a slightly different texture than when you started. It will be grainier whereas the baking soda when you started will resemble flour.

Now you can go ahead and use it like you would normally use washing soda!

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Lack of Hygiene, Soap and Toilet Paper Will Kill Millions in the U.S.

aade135f19398e2817b9f12c0e7ab82bIn my previous post I talked about how toilet paper is one of those preps that is often overlooked. In this post I wanted to expand on that idea just a little bit because I talked about hygiene being important in a survival or post crunch event.

These days it is not uncommon to experience blackouts or brown outs and that is even without there being any kind of disaster. With aging infrastructures and increased burden on our power systems the possibility of being without power or any kind of utility provided to us is a real possibility. Now add on a natural disaster occurring and not only does it knock down systems where the storm hit but you are putting extra strain and burden on the surrounding systems which could cause a cascading failure event that could affect an area much much larger than the one receiving the brunt of the storm.

But what if it wasn’t a storm? Perhaps it is an attack on the systems themselves. We know other countries like China have been attacking the US daily with their cyber-attacks, and even the US has successfully implemented cyber-attacks against other countries. An example being the attack against Iran to disrupt their nuclear program. Point being that we don’t need an EMP or solar flare or physical attack to cause long term disruptions to the nation’s grid; it could be caused by an industrious hacker group acting on their own or perhaps funded by an enemy state.

Wait, wait, what does all this have to do with toilet paper?

Well… directly not much.

But if the utilities we have come to rely on like electricity, running water, trash removal, waste treatment ever see a long disruption in service, the following riots and pandemonium will pale in comparison to the number of deaths we will see in the coming months due to disease and pandemic caused by improper sanitation and water treatment.

Your ability to do something as simple as wash your hands and keep clean could be the flu_fdifference between surviving or being part of the mass die-off that will sweep through the country and claim upwards of 90% of the US population as estimated by congressional committees.

Proper sanitation supplies and practices need to be known and understood and practiced by every member of your family or prep group. Knowing how to properly dispose of human waste in the long term when water and electricity is not available so as not to contaminate your water or food supply is key. Also, handwashing and the practice of separating your cleaning stations from your bathroom areas and food and water handling areas is important to understand and practice now so that it will be less difficult to have that kind of discipline when it will really count later.

Paper products like toilet paper and facial tissue are a favorite of mice and other rodents. To store this long term be sure you keep it in a dry area that is secure from chewing or toilet2broll2bmouse2b2nesting bugs or animals and it is suggested you keep it off the ground to help keep out moisture. Some will say that the container doesn’t need to be air tight, but I would recommend that it is. Also include moisture and oxygen absorbers. Personally I would suggest that you avoid using a trashcan as a storage device. They are typically flimsy and difficult to secure so that you can be sure to keep out moisture and bugs. 5 gallon buckets would work if they have the proper sealing lid but they are small and will limit the amount of supplies can store. If 5 gallon buckets is what you have and they are abundant, then go for it. What I would prefer to use are 55 gallon blue barrels with a large enough screw on bung or lid that allows for easy access but that you could seal with Teflon tape or a waterproof caulk. I would also consider using a steel drum with a locking lid, as they can be very inexpensive compared to other containers in that size range. Just make sure that the previous contents of any barrel or drum was food grade and that the container has been completely cleaned and dried. We aren’t going to just store toilet paper in these containers.

Since toilet paper is most likely to be sold to you in roles, there will be a lot of empty space available that you could store other lifesaving hygienic items. Yes, you could go through the trouble of crushing the cardboard tube or removing it so that you can compact the space more, but I think it is just easier to make use of the spaces rather than try and eliminate them.

Buy soap bars, feminine products, q-tips, cotton balls, shaving supplies, tooth brushes. Preferably non-liquid bathroom supplies that will help you maintain excellent hygiene. When you go to the store just buy a couple extra soap bars. When you buy a pack of toilet paper, buy an extra one. When you get home, just throw it in the barrel until it is full… then seal it up. This is the easiest and least financially intrusive method to stock up on truly live saving preps.

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